Météo-France helps you to:

  •     Minimize risks due to weather conditions,
  •     Reduce operating costs,
  •     Ensure safety at sea.

We can support your operations everywhere in the world by providing accurate and reliable weather forecasts 24/7.
 Our team of marine specialists supports you by phone or on the spot.


Your product leader at Météo-France


View his profil

For more information on all our products, services and solutions, you can contact us.

Some figures

  • 20 GW

    Production capacity

    of EU parks

  • 1991

    1st wind farm inaugurated

    in Denmark

  • X 15

    Production capacity

    by 2040

Our team of marine specialists

Météo-France has a marine center based in Brest Quipavas (France).

This centre is dedicated to the proactive monitoring of marine and offshore customers. It is composed of experts specializing in tropical meteorology, marine activities on seas and oceans all over the world.

This team works 24/7, ensuring total availability.

They talk about us