On your extranet, benefit from a cartography with many tools: selection of base map, gauge, legend, tools (variables according to the chosen subscription).
- A user manual is provided.
- The menu has terminals that allow you to choose an animation time period. You will be able to visualize the forecast of the winds in your area of interest.
- You choose your model: AROME (extended France domain), ARPEGE (European domain)...
- You can superimpose: atmograms, temporal sections, vertical profiles or spatial sections.
- Additional features
- General features
- Using the gauge, you will have the precise values of:
- The strength of the mean wind and gusts expressed in m / s, kt and km / h.
- The direction of the mean wind and gusts expressed in degrees.
- Management of the animation period:
- A legend completes the cartography:
On your extranet, visualize your map with parameters. Follow a precise point, with the atmogram.